Richard Law Award
In honour of the late Richard Law, an accountant who tragically died from oral cancer, the Global Child Dental Fund is offering awards of Rs 50,000 (in total) to postgraduate dental students in India willing to submit a research proposal and take up the Advanced Dental Leadership Training
In 2022 three awards will be considered for the successful applicants:
- First prize: Rs 25000
- Second prize: Rs 15000
- Third prize Rs 10000

Richard had two main interests in his life: scouting and sailing.
He joined the Cubs as a young boy, moving on to the Scouts and Rovers, fully participating in camps and many other activities. Later, he qualified as a Queen’s Scout and became a Scout Leader.
His interest in sailing started early too. He and his father built a small dinghy and sailed it on local gravel pits. Over the years the boats became larger and had inboard engines. Having obtained his Navigator qualification, he started sailing to the continent and Channel Islands. He trained as an Accountant in London, and gained wide experience working for companies in a variety of industries.
How To Apply
Students can submit a research proposal (for example, a postgraduate dissertation synopsis) in 1500 words with background rationale, objectives, methods, proposed analysis and references. There can be more than 1 author (including guide/s). Only the first named student will be considered for the award.
To be included in the submission:
Document 1: Title page (in MS Word, Arial font, size 14, double spacing): Title of the research proposal, name of the author/s, name of the institute, contact address, telephone no. and email ID of the first author).
Document 2: Undertaking (a scanned image or PDF): A letter to the Chairman of Richard Law Award Committee (2022) on the institute letterhead signed by the student and countersigned by the Dean/ Principal of the college stating that the proposal submitted is of research to be undertaken or underway (and not completed or published) with no plagiarism, no conflict of interest and has necessary ethical clearance.
Document 3: Research proposal (in MS Word, Arial Font, Size 12, double spacing)
without mentioning the name/s of the author/s. -
Document 4: Receipt for signing up for The Advanced Dental Leadership Training (a scanned image or PDF) [*details given below].
All applications should be submitted by email only to the Global Child Dental Fund:
Details and deadlines
Submission dates
The opening date is 15 August 2022 and the closing date is 15th October 2022
Assessment criteria
The research proposals will be assessed for novelty of the research question, benefits of the proposed research to people, and overall quality of writing including referencing. One author can submit only one research proposal. All decisions are final and we regret that we are unable to provide individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants.
The Award winners will be announced on or before 31st December 2022 at this website ( and on the GCDFund Facebook page.
Advanced Dental Leadership Certificate Training
Advanced Dental Leadership Certificate Training is offered online by the Global Child Dental Fund. Registration is £20.
To register go to: and follow the instructions. The ADL programme is offered by Global Child Dental Fund (GCDfund), based at King's College London and Harvard School of Dental Medicine.