Dental Indemnity Insurance Survey

Knowledge and attitude of Indian Dentists towards dental indemnity insurance

Demand for quality healthcare at affordable costs is the natural outcome of this development. Despite all of the knowledge and understanding, cases of dental treatment negligence do happen, and there still remains a big vacuum when it comes to dealing with such cases. Additionally, it is not always easy to provide appropriate compensation for patients due to lack of a robust and effective dental indemnity insurance policies in India.

The aim of this survey is to assess the knowledge and attitude of Indian dentists towards dental indemnity insurance. You can take part in this survey by completing the survey questionnaire below which will take about 5-10 minutes.  

Click here to complete the survey

We will give away 10 copies of the 'Indian Health Professionals Around the World - A Common Agenda' books to the lucky winners who participate in our Indemnity survey, personally signed by Professor Raman Bedi, Chairman of the Global Child Dental Fund at King's College London.

If you have any comments or concerns with any aspect of this survey, please contact Professor Raman Bedi (Former Chief Dental Officer – England; Chairman, Gobal Child Dental Fund and Head, Centre for International Child Oral Health, King’s College London) directly at

Alternatively you can contact Dr. Ajay Mahajan (Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontics,HPGDC, Shimla, India,Commonwealth Scholar at King’s College London, U.K.) at