Chairman of Dentistry, Hamad Medical Corporation
Professor Johann de Vries
Johann was Dean of a Dental Faculty for 23 years in three continents of the world from 1991 until 2014. Professor for more than 30 years. Advisor to the Canadian and Australian Health Ministers.
Currently: Visiting Professor Kings College London; Professor Emeritus, The University of Adelaide, Australia; Editorial Board, European Journal of Dental Education; Member of the IADR Awards Committee
Immediate past positions: Professor and Dean, School of Dentistry, The University of Adelaide; President of the Australasian Council of Dental Schools; Board of Directors of the Australasian Council of Dental Schools; Board of Directors, Australian Dental Council; Vice chair, Academic Council, International Medical University, Malaysia; Vice chair, International Advisory Board, Kind Saud University, College of Dentistry, KSA; Member of the National Advisory Council on Dentistry, Australia; Member of the Universities Australia Health Education Workgroup; National Reference Group in Australia to review the pathway for prescriptions for health practitioners; Health Workforce Australia Steering Group for Health Education; South Pacific Child Oral Health Taskforce; Member of Universities Australia Health Education Steering Committee; Chaired the Development of Competencies for all dental practitioners in Australia; Reviewed the Scope of Practice of the dental practitioners in Australia for the Australian Government; Past chair of IADR/GlaxoSmithKline Innovation in Oral Care Awards; Chaired the accreditations of the dental schools at University of Toronto and McGill University
Some Previous positions and achievements:
Vice chair of the Dental Advisory Committee for the Federal Health Minister, Canada; Member of accreditation councils in Oman and Saudi Arabia; Chaired the development of dental curriculums for The University of Sharjah, UAE and Qassim University, KSA; vice chair of the Dental Deans Leadership Institute, USA
Honours and other achievements: In 2012 awarded the highest honour in global dental education by receiving the ADEA Gies Award in the USA for vision, achievement and innovation; Received the highest award in dentistry in Canada, the CDA Distinguished Service Award; President of the International Federation of Dental Education Associations; Presented more than 215 international invited presentations; Visited more than 100 global universities