Miss Jennifer Miller
Jenny Miller is a member of the academic staff in the School of Dentistry, University of Adelaide. She has qualifications in Dental Therapy (South Australian Govt), Health Care Management (Uni SA), Adult Education (Uni SA) and is currently completing her PhD at ARCPOH(Uni Adelaide). She came to the University from a career as a dental practitioner in the public sector for child oral health, and a dental educator and manager in the South Australian Dental Service, at a time when the University took up the challenge of offering a new degree-based programme in Oral Health to educate future oral health therapists. Jenny accepted an appointment as Senior Lecturer and the role of Bachelor of Oral Health Coordinator, as well as undertaking the role of Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies from 2005-2007. She has contributed to bodies such as the Oral Health Advisory Committee, College of Oral Health Academics, the Dental Board of South Australia and the Australian Dental Council (accreditation visits). Jenny teaches the Dental Surgery and Oral health students in the areas of public and population health. Her PhD is in the area of child oral health and the link with dental services.