New Zealand
Paediatric Dentist
SDL-9 (2015)
Katie Ayers
Katie is a paediatric dentist based in Hamilton, New Zealand. Qualifying as a dentist in 1995, and a paediatric dentist in 1999, she completed a PhD in dental public health in 2009 and in 2013 a post-graduate certificate in management (governance). Katie is a passionate member of the dental profession, with experience in hospital, university and private settings. She was the inaugural recipient of the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA) outstanding young dentist award in 2005, and won the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Young Lecturer Award in 2000. Katie is a Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry International, Fellow of the International College of Dentists and has been awarded a membership of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons. She is also a chartered member of the Institute of Directors and a member of several other professional societies.
At present Katie works in specialist paediatric dentistry practice, and also as Approving Dental Officer and Oral Health Advisor to the Midland group of District Health Boards (DHBs). This role involves the oversight of Government-funded dental care for children and adolescents in the Midland Region of New Zealand.
Katie is the specialist representative on the NZDA Board and that Board’s representative on the NZDA Executive. In this role she recently chaired the group that developed NZDA position statements on Child Oral Health and Adolescent Oral Health. She is now leading a further working group to implement these and other NZDA position statements. In particular the group is looking to develop collaborations with other organisations to promote improved oral health, reduced oral health inequalities, and better access to oral health services.
In the last few months Katie has led the establishment of a Charitable Trust to promote Paediatric Oral Health in New Zealand, along with other paediatric dentistry specialists. Katie is also a trustee and director of Medical Assurance Society, and a trustee of the Braemar Charitable Trust.