Chairman of the Department of Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, Universidad De La Salle Bajío, School of Dentistry, León
SDL-8 (2014)
DRA Laura Maria Diaz Guzman
Dra. Laura M. Díaz was born in Toluca, Estado de México , on August 21, 1954. She graduated from Dental School at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México in 1974.
She has been Chairman of the Department of Diagnosis and Oral Medicine at Universidad De La Salle Bajío, School of Dentistry, in León, Gto. México, from 1991 to present. Teacher post and under-grad, and at the International Course for Dental Revalidation, in Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío, in León, Gto. México. She is member of the Research Council at the same university. She joined to the Mexican Dental Association (ADM) in 1978 and has served in many ADM’s Executive Committees. From 2004-2011 was President of ADM Accreditation Council of Dentistry. During this presidency she implemented a national model for accreditation, including the national exam for certification of Mexican dentist.
From 2010 to the present date she is Journal Editor of “ADM Magazine” (Revista ADM). She is a national and lecturer.
Member of the ADM, ADL, FDI, ICD Chapter Mexico and PFA. She received in 2005 the ADM Cum Laude Award and in the same year the Recognition from the Mexican Government Ministry of Health for Professional trajectory. In 2007 received the Academic Merit Medal from the Universidad De La Salle Bajío. She has received four national awards for dental research.
She has published 58 papers in national and international dental journals and is coauthor of the first and second edition of the book: Medicina en Odontologia. Manejo dental de pacientes con enfermedades sistémicas.
Dra. Díaz practices general Dentistry and Oral Diagnosis in León, Gto. Mexico, since 1976.