Dr Rachel Martin
Dr Rachel Martin, an Australian dentist and specialist in Public Health Dentistry, has worked over two decades in public oral health, developing community programs, teaching and research. A clinician in the Oral Health program at North Richmond Community Health, Rachel conceptualised and developed the innovative conference series, Where the Mind Meets the Mouth and is passionate about ‘oral health as everyone’s business’. She leads integration and research at North Richmond Community Health, managing the Victorian Hall Technique research and training program, among other translational research projects for improving health outcomes. In 2013, Rachel was appointed by the federal health minister to a committee to develop the first National Oral Health Promotion Plan for Australia, delivered in May 2014. As an inaugural member of the Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the international Alliance for a Cavity Free Future Rachel works on the education and website subcommittees, and most recently delivered the #ChooseWater campaign for World Cavity Free Future Day 2017. She is also works on the Victorian Registration and Notification committee, Dental Board of Australia