Dean of Dental School, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
SDL-2 (2008)
Dr Javier de la Fuente Hermandez
Dr Javier de la Fuente graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and continuing his studies, he became Master in Science at the University College London. Since 2010, he is in charge of the Institutional Development Head Office of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He was dean of the School of Dentistry in the same university from 2004 to 2010. He is president of the International Association for Dental Research, Mexican division; president of the Mexican Federation of Faculties and Schools of Dentistry (FMFEO) and vice-president of the Organization of Dentistry Faculties, Schools and Departments in Latin America (OFEDO-UDUAL). In 2008, he was Board member of the International Association for Dental Research. He has published 30 articles in national and international journals and he had received more than 80 recognitions for activities and services on the communities including a Humanitarian Program in Palestine Health Sector.
1. Since we are health professionals, it is necessary to have social awareness and commitment with our society.
2. You need to be willing to help the patients at any time to improve their quality of life.