SDL-8 (2014)
Dr Irene Adyatmaka
She graduated from Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia in 1995. She then managing school oral health program involving 10,000 children for 16 years. In 1996-1999 she was involved in MOH ART research in Indonesia as ART field operator, introducing Single Operator System and within 3 years time has done more than 2,500 ART fillings.
In 1998 she was appointed by Prof Douglas Bratthall (Malmo University) to translate officially Cariogram into Indonesian language. She finished her PhD at Universiy of Indonesia with Cum Laude in 2008 and received the Indonesia World Record as the fastest PhD graduated in 22 months. Her dissertation was about Caries Risk Simulator for Preschool children, developed after vast research involving 2,568 children and their parents.
In 2010, she received invitation to attend DGOH program in Radboud University, Nijmegen. In 2012, her Caries Risk simulator approach known as Irene Donut was adopted as MOH National policy. She has been developing Innovative School Oral Health program (iUKGS) for the last 7 years, which focused on preventive actions by empowering school communities. She has given lectures in many places all over Indonesia.
Her current position is as MOH Consultant in School Oral Health program, Senior researcher Faculty of Public Health - University of Indonesia, lecturer at Dental Public Health Department – Moestopo University, Regional Manager GC for Indonesia and Brunei, founder/ director of AiCare Foundation which concentrate on advanced, innovative school oral health program. Her unique, synergistic working environment has enabled her to do her passion: research, teaching, and learning, in the same time.