Assistant Chairman, Section Head, Endodontics Consultant
SDL-9 (2015)
Dr. Ghanim Al Mannai
Dr Al Mannai Is a consultant in endodontics, he obtained his Certificate of specialization in Endodontics and Master of medical science in odontology from the faculty of dentistry at Karolinksa institutet in 2004.
In 2009 he was appointed as the Assistant Chairman of the Department Of Dentistry, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar. And in 2014 he was appointed as the Head of Endodontic Section at the same department.
In 2012 Dr. Al Mannai was appointed by the supreme council of Health in Qatar as a member of the Permanent Licensing Committee which is responsible to regulate health professions and health service facilities to ensure safe, high-quality health services provided to the public of Qatar.