Director – General, I.T.S Group of Dental Institutions, Ghaziabad (U.P.) INDIA and Former Director, National Oral Health Care Programme, Govt. of India
SDL-1 (2007)
Prof Hari Parkash
Professor Hari Parkash is currently working as Director General, I.T.S Group of Dental Institutions, Murad Nagar, Ghaziabad, (U.P.) India. He has held this role since October 2005 after superannuation from AIIMS, New Delhi. He has worked as Chairman, Hospital Management Board and Chief of the Centre for Dental Education and Research All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. As a matter of fact, he has worked at the said Institute on the whole for more than 36 years and has held different faculty positions during this period. He was also Project Director for the National Oral Health Care Programme of Govt. of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for more than six years.
He graduated from Punjab University, Amritsar, Pb. Govt. Dental College & Hospital in 1965 and completed his post-graduation in Prosthodontics from the same University in the year 1968. He was conferred Adjunct Professorship of the School of Dental Medicine, Dept. of Community Oral Health, University of Pennsylvania, USA for five years (2000 - 2005). He has been appointed as an Examiner by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow for conduction of MFDS Examination and has conducted four examinations in Glasgow, UK, Dharwad, Chennai and India. He has been elected unanimously as Director, Global Child Dental Health Task Force (India Section) and presently is Chairman, Pierre Fauchard Academy.
Prof. Parkash is the recipient of several prestigious awards. The Indian Dental Association honored him by bestowing Life Time Achievement Award in 2010, he was presented Dentist of the year Award in 2008 for the promotion and contribution for the growth of Dentistry in the country at Bangalore, he also has been honoured and presented International Merit Award of Pierre Fauchard Academy, USA, for contributions in the field of Dentistry. He has also been presented Life Time Achievement award during the 35th Annual Conference of Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology held at Indore. He has been President of Indian Dental Association, President and Hon. Gen. Secretary of the Indian Prosthodontic Society and President of International College of Dentists (India & Sri Lanka Section). In July, 2007 he was conferred an Honorary Fellowship in Dental Surgery by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow U.K. i.e. FDS RCPS. He has been Member of the Dental Council of India for more than 7 years and Member of the Executive Committee of the Council for over four years. He has been President of Delhi State Dental Council.
As postgraduate teacher, he has conducted Postgraduate Programmes (M.D.S.) in Prosthodontics. He has been a guide for more than 60 post-graduates in Prosthodontics and allied Dental & Medical Specialties. He has lectured over a hundred dental meetings / Conferences / Symposia / Workshops both in India & Internationally. He has been invited to conduct CDE programmes on several occasions by FDI and throughout India. He has authored and Co-authored over 271 Scientific Papers in both International and National Journals of repute and has worked on 28 Research Projects supported by Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, AIIMS, ICMR and WHO-GOI. His book entitled Dental Ethics – An Indian Perspective (A publication of the Dental Council of India) written by him and others, namely Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Dr. P.N. Awasthi VSM, Prof. Kaveri Hallikeri, Dr. Sunil Chaudhary has been released by Hon’ble President of India, Her excellency Smt. Pratibha Patil.
His two recommendations to those interested in entering the Dental Profession:
1. Oral health is an integral part of general health however in India oral dental diseases are highly prevalent particularly dental caries among children i.e. 50-60%. Thus there is a great need to have global cost effective approach to control dental diseases.
2. It is essential in India to prevent the dental diseases since 78% of the people are residing in rural areas and still quite ignorant about the importance of oral health. Use of fluoride toothpaste is not encouraged in India since anti fluoride lobby is very strong due to large number of fluoride endemic areas.