Prof (Dr) Mahesh Verma
Prof Mahesh Verma, MDS, graduated from Dental Wing, Medical College, Trivandrum (India) and specialised in Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) Prosthodontics. He did MBA – Health Care from Delhi University in and had also been the visiting faculty of Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi University teaching MBA (Health Care) students since 2006. Dr Verma is presently working as a Director – Principal and heading the premier Institution in Oral Healthcare and Dental Education (graded as No. 1 Institution in India), i.e. Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences (MAIDS), New Delhi, India. He is Involved in research at the Institution level and in collaboration with various bodies like Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and WHO sponsored projects related to Prosthodontics and Dental Materials, Implants and other Dental Sciences. He is a President of Indian Academy of Restorative Dentistry (IARD) and Vice President of Dental Council of India. He is an Honorary Advisor of Armed Forces Dental Services, Ministry of Defence and International Advisor of Royal College of Physician & Surgeons of Glasgow (UK). He is a fellow of International College of Dentists (FICD), American College of Dentists (FACD), American Academy of Implant Dentistry (FAAID), National Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS), International Medical Sciences Academy (FIMSA), Royal College of Surgeons of England (FDSRCS), Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (FDSRCPSG), Royal College of Surgeons, Faculty of General Dentistry Practice (FGDPRCS). For his tremendous contributions in Dentistry he has been awarded highest medical Award “Dr B.C.Roy National award” by President of India in 2007. Govt. of Delhi also has recognised his services by awarding him the “State Award”. He has been declared “Health Care Personality of the Year” for 2012 by Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce (FICCI) by the Jury chaired by former Chief Justice of India. Director-Principal Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi 110002, India President: Indian Dental Association (Delhi Branch) International College of Dentists – India & Sri Lanka Section Indian Academy of Restorative Dentistry (IARD) Vice President: Dental Council of India Past President: Indian Prosthodontic Society Past Vice President: Indian Academy of Dental Educationists Honorary Advisor: Armed Forces Dental Services, Ministry of Defence Registrar: Delhi Dental Council Fellow: American College of Dentists American Academy of Implant Dentistry International Medical Sciences Academy Clinical Director: American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) Executive Editor: Journal of International College of Dentists(India & Sri Lanka section) Editor: Dentistry (Springer) Editorial Board: Journal of American Dental Association (Indian Edition) Journal of British Dental Association (Indian Edition) Research: Principal Investigator, Project by C.S.I.R. to develop Indigenous Dental Implants Past Secretary: Indian Prosthodontic Society Consultant: Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (I) Ltd. Part Time Faculty: Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University, (MBA Classes) Member: Global Child Dental Health Task Force (UK) Programme Coordinator: DCI IGNOU PG Certificate course in Implantology & Endodontics Awards: DR. B.C. Roy National Award 2007 by President of India 2007 ‘State Award’ by Govt. of NCT of Delhi for Best Doctor – 2001 Dr. B.C. Shroff Oration – Indian Prosthodontic Society Annual Conference 2007 Rotary Vashishat Sewa Samman – 2002 Dr. P.N. Behl Foundation Award By Delhi Medical Association- 2006 Commonwealth Dental Association Oration 2010 Commendation by Vice Chief of Army Staff 2009 Advice: Someone who is choosing to enter the dental profession would surely make it big in life as dentistry not only is an integral part of health sciences but is a appearance related science and it would always remain a sought after profession. The new entrant to the profession must have the right attitude as our attitude determines our altitude.