Mr Neal Demby*
Dr. Demby received his BA from Rutgers University, DMD degree from the University of Pennsylvania and MPH degree from Columbia University. He is the Senior Vice President for Dental Medicine at Lutheran Medical Center and the Lutheran Family Health Center Network. He holds faculty appointments at the Columbia University School College of Dental Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Demby, for over 25 years, has been a national leader in developing and implementing quality improvement/management methodologies for dental practice, including the managed care marketplace. In addition to publications and being the recipient of numerous grants, his research interests include quality of care issues; post doctoral general dentistry training and education; oral cancer early detection and HIV/AIDS. He was Project Co-Director for one of the initial multi- million dollar Community Programs for Clinical Research for AIDS (CPCEA) grants funded by the NIAID. Consistent with this he has pioneered the introduction of practice based research networks for HIV patients.