Dean of Haiti Dental School
SDL-7 (2013)

Dr Samuel Prophete

Dr Prophète was born in Cap-Haitien, which is Haiti’s second largest city and is located on the north-central coast of the Haiti Republic. He studied dentistry at the Faculté d’Odontologie de l’Université d’Etat d’Haiti and graduated in 1984. Ten years later, he was admitted to the Dental School faculty as a professor of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology with special duties to monitor student clinical services. In 2008, he became Vice Dean for Research affairs and last year, in June 2012, he was elected Dean of the Faculté d’Odontologie. As a researcher, he was a co-investigator on several research projects conducted between 1997-2005 in a partnership and collaborative effort between la faculté d’Odontologie and the New York University Department of Epidemiology. Dr Prophète co-authored scientific manuscripts derived from those studies. In addition to his academic course, Dr Prophète served from 2007-2012 as President of the Haitian Dental Association. As the President, he was guest speaker at several international dental meetings: Salvador do Bahia (Brazil) 2010, Buenos Aires, (Argentina) 2011. He was the lead in-country member of the post-earthquake disaster response PAHO Oral Health of Haiti (OHOH) Coalition. Subsequently he worked closely with the American Dental Association to implement the ADA/HVO Adopt a practice: Rebuilding Dental Offices in Haiti. Because of his post-earthquake national and international involvement in disaster mitigation and redevelopment efforts, Dr Prophète has been an invited speaker internationally. Dr Prophète is married and the father of two young daughters.