Senior Member of Staff, Director, Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry
SDL-6 (2012)
Dr Richard Niederman
Dr Richard Niederman is a Senior Member of the Staff at The Forsyth Institute and Director, Forsyth Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry.
He graduated magna cum laude in 1976 from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine where he also received his periodontal specialty training. He received certificate training in Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University in 1996.
He is the founding USA editor of the journal Evidence-Based Dentistry; the founding editor for the Global Centers for Evidence based dentistry, its website and search engine www.EviDentista.org and its search engine www.EviDents.org. He is the co-author of the book Evidence-based Dentistry: Managing Information for Better Practice, and has published more than 100 evidence-based articles ranging from molecular biology to practice implementation trials and editorials, and provided training in evidence-based dentistry on 5 continents over the last 10 years.
His current work is implementing evidence-based caries prevention programs in at-risk communities in the U.S. and Latin America.