Dean of the School of Dentistry, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda
SDL-9 (2015)
Dr. Muhumuza Ibra
Dr. Muhumuza Ibra, is the pioneer Dean of the first School of Dentistry, in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Rwanda.
He earned his Postgraduate Diploma In Dental Public Health from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Masters in Dental Public Health from the University College of London, UK.
Dr. Muhumuza is a Secretary to the committee of Dental Deans of East Africa/Chief Dental Officers (CODDEA), head of the clinical services in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Polyclinic and a Member of the Rwanda Medical and Dental Association. Before serving as the Dean of the first school of Dentistry, Ibra was the head of Dentistry department from 2006-2014 at former Kigali Health Institute (now the College of Medicine and health Sciences).
He has obtained immeasurable and cherished experiences in leadership, management and governance in Oral Health education and clinical training services, curriculum development and implementation, and as lecturer with extensive teaching experience and coordinating capacity building projects in Dental education and community services (from 2002-2014).
Dr. Muhumuza, Has also had the experience of coordinating joint national research projects as well as partnering with international Universities and organizations (Western Ontario team, Havard and Maryland Universities and several Volunteer Service Organizations).
I have the motivation, confidence, knowledge and leadership skills necessary to successfully carry out the proposed work.
In the University of Rwanda and at a national level, Dr. Muhumuza is known for his motivation, confidence, leadership skills necessary for; spear heading the integration of oral health into the general medicine curriculum, promoting community outreach-based training and services, effecting the transformation of the Institutional-based Dental Consultancy Center into a self-sustainable, modern and dependable Intramural Center of excellence in Oral Health consultancies.